Culture of Experts

Module #8

Unconventional Training

un·con·ven·tion·al – not based on or conforming to what is generally done.

train·ing – the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior.

un·con·ven·tion·al train·ing – the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior, not based on or conforming to what is generally done.

An important initiative of Culture of Experts is the expert development of existing employees. To facilitate this, we provide UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops, a free sister program published on a separate website. These workshops include the same concepts, but are presented for workers, from a worker perspective. Within this module, we invite you to thoroughly explore the UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops and consider using them as a formal training program within your organization.

The 5 Ws of UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops

When starting a new training program, there are a few things to consider:

WHO: UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops are designed for workers who work in positions that can expand into unconventional positions. The program encourages workers who work within structured, repetitive, task-oriented, company-process-driven positions to expand their capabilities into unstructured, complex, creativity-driven, project-oriented work. Job requirements need to be looked at closely, to make sure the employees who are being developed have enough flexibility and opportunity within their positions to allow for expansion. If there is not a good fit, changing job requirements might be an option. Since sales positions are almost always unconventional positions, sales teams are usually a good place to start.

WHAT: UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops consist of 23 workshops. Each is an individual and relatively short session. Each workshop is one web-page and there are answers to questions within pop-ups.

WHEN: With 23 workshops, a weekly training would last roughly six months. If weekly meetings are already being conducted, UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops can be added to them without taking up too much time. Workshops can be completed together as a group, or individually with group discussions.

WHERE: UnconventionalEXPERTS Workshops can be printed out, viewed through smart devices or presented on a big screen. They can take place remotely or in-house.


• Motivate employees
• Streamline process
• Balance company process and individual process
• Troubleshoot process
• Cultivate ideas
• Deepen projects
• Broaden relevant information
• Improve communication
• Encourage mentor/protege relationships
• Springboard from failures
• Expand job requirements
• Prepare for future technology changes
• Enhance corporate culture
• Develop employees
• Find achievement
• Grow business

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Module #8 – Unconventional Training

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Module #8 – Unconventional Training

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Culture of Experts is a free talent acquisition and employee development program created by Martin Haslinger. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

Please proceed to module #9: Behavior Within Corporate Culture

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