Culture of Experts
For every new business, there should be a business plan in place. A business plan will solidify goals, outline strategies, establish process, identify best practices and calculate potential profit against loss. When an existing business pursues growth, a business growth plan will outline a plan that expands upon existing success. As helpful as business plans can be, they provide limited guidance when it comes to employee potential. They assume employees will provide results that are ordinary, with no avenues to leverage the extraordinary.
In a business plan, all of the strategies, process and best practices derive from leadership. In the real world, there exists unconventional employees who figure things out above and beyond what they were taught in school. They master work that is unstructured, complex, creativity-driven, strategy-dependent and project-oriented. They have their own individual work-process that bolsters company process, when company process reaches its limit.
With expert potential being a key resource for business success, why isn’t there a template to factor expert-level skills into a business growth plan? Culture of Experts is a skills formula that does exactly that.
Culture of Experts categorizes skills and plugs them into templates. These templates can be used to blueprint growth, roadmap key decisions and strategize the hiring of new talent. When hiring new talent, both job descriptions and interview questions are significantly deepened. Unlike any other tool, template or plan, Culture of Experts can pair a type of expert with a type of desired achievement. Possibilities expand exponentially.
Culture of Experts is designed for company leadership, hiring managers, HR professionals and corporate trainers. Because these concepts can also help employees, they are additionally published as an employee training. This training is available on a sister website, which caters to expert-level workers and aspiring experts. The desired results are employee development for increased productivity and retention.
Culture of Experts
A quick introduction
Leadership steers the ship, however, their clearest vision can only reach as far as their ship can sail. To grow, leadership must have deep distance of sight. To get there, they must grow the capabilities of their crew …
Module #1
Unconventional Positions
For general industry and global perspectives, white collar and blue collar designations might make sense. At a company or worker level, they are a gross oversimplification, as they do not take into account the complexity of the work that is being performed or the work that needs to be done …
Module #2
Unconventional Expert Characteristics
In the age of the internet, information is quickly at our fingertips. Because of this, there is a new breed of experts. Where traditional institution-guided experts are deeply rooted within stationary schools of thought, this new breed of experts will thrive on real-time information, with the use of the internet as a tool. Outside of a standardized way of thinking, they will focus on the relevancy of information …
Module #3
Expert-Trek: The Journey to Mastery
The expert-trek is more than a work-process. It is an expert’s long-term commitment to achieve mastery within a chosen circumference of expertise. When traditional institution-guided experts commit to an expert-trek, their circumference of expertise is generally outlined by their well established profession or skilled trade. Mastery is expected …
Module #4
In this module, we will look at where the lines are drawn between individual work-process and company-process and ask this question: If an unconventional expert has an individual work-process that leads them to achievement, can parts of this process be replicated to help other employees reach achievement? …
Module #5
In this module, we’ll look at process-replication from a different angle. We will split up an expert-level position so that some parts can be assigned to a potential Unconventional Expert, within a mentor-protege structure …
Module #6
Unconventional Projects
Previously, we looked at Unconventional Experts at play, that is, studying their characteristics as they bask in their favorite hobbies. Within hobbies, we can see the complexity of their individual work-process, even though they are not getting paid. In this module, we will look deeper into their complex work, as it pertains to work performed within company projects …
Module #7
Ideas expand business. Ideas can make process more efficient, spark customer service, improve sales strategies and shape marketing programs. Ideas create new products and services. Even though the term intellectual property is often associated with copyrights, trademarks and patents, they are simply ideas that belong to the company that created them …
Module #8
Unconventional Training
un·con·ven·tion·al – not based on or conforming to what is generally done.
train·ing – the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior.
un·con·ven·tion·al train·ing – the action of teaching a person a particular skill or type of behavior, not based on or conforming to what is generally done …
Module #9
Behavior Within Corporate Culture
Corporate culture has an organic component, which is the group dynamics that occurs when human beings come together for a unified purpose. Group dynamics can be different from department to department, however, there is always a company-wide dynamic that might be better described as an impression …
Module #10
An Expert-Driven Organization
Module #11
Corporate Culture Assessment
Culture of Experts is a start-to-finish employee training and talent acquisition program that includes a corporate culture assessment. This assessment allows company leadership, hiring managers, HR professionals and corporate trainers to rate their own corporate culture to see if it currently reflects a Culture of Experts …
Module #12
Culture of Experts Interview Questions
Culture of Experts is a start-to-finish employee training and talent acquisition program that includes interview questions. These interview questions can help company leadership, hiring managers, HR professionals and corporate trainers hire Unconventional Experts …
Module #13
Recruiting Experts
The ability to add exceptional talent to an organization is one of the most important qualities of leadership. Another important quality of leadership is delegation. However, if leadership delegates responsibilities and tasks associated with talent acquisition, at what point are they overly removed from the process? …
Module #14
AI: What Jobs will it replace?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the next world-altering technological advancement. Soon, AI software applications, AI robots and AI self-driving vehicles will be advanced enough to outperform humans with many tasks, eliminating far more jobs than they add. AI adoption will be a matter of economics and companies that chose to ignore obvious financial advantages will not be able to compete …
Module #15
Mentoring Students – The Expert Way
It is important to encouraging students to chose an educational path that can lead them to a place that is rich with opportunity. They should also understand that they have the ability, if not responsibility, to become experts at whatever it is they do …
You have completed all modules
Completing all Culture of Experts modules brings one to the next step, sharing these concepts with expert-level employees. Go to and use the do-it-yourself workshops to share perspectives.
It should be mentioned, there is no formal certification for Culture of Experts. After all, certifications are a mainstay for traditional institution-guided experts. By focusing on expert-level skills and underlying process, your organization can state that they are a “bonafide” Culture of Experts company.
Culture of Experts is a free talent acquisition and employee development program created by Martin Haslinger. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
© 2024 Martin Haslinger